OSINT & Data Intelligence
AI/ML web, social, and remote data aggregation, visualizations, analytics, and translation

what topics are trending on web and social?
what is the trending sentiment?
what news and events are happening?
how translate foreign language data?
how filter and visualize what is real-time and relevant?
Our AI data intelligence solutions enable extraction, aggregation, discovery, and visualizations to help analysts stay on top of evolving news and sentiment
Get a big picture view of sentiment, news, and developments by location with data intelligence solutions

Aggregate and visualize news and events
Stay on top of developing news and events with our artificial intelligence web crawl and news aggregation and filtering customized by user.

Targeted web data crawl
Target topics on the web with artificial intelligence web crawl based on customized user input with aggregation and visualizations. Save preferences and favorites for monitoring.

Social and sentiment tracking
Crawl and aggregate social and sentiment data from online sources based on customized user input and filters. Customize by topics and users and save favorites for real-time monitoring.

Remote image capture and translation
Our D3CIPHER solution supports real-time, highly accurate text extraction of content from remote images of billboards and the local environment, with English translation in the field. No signal, no cloud required.
Images, foreign text, and translation can be added to our D3 Data Discovery platform for collection, correlation, and analysis.

Data discovery and tagging
Inventory and tag aggregated data with metadata using AI/ML D3 Data Discovery to organize, visualize, and export for analysis. AI/ML discovery sees data down to the content level. Classify and bulk tag with customizable metadata, or standard metadata including attributes like author, file location, or document type.

Data intelligence dashboard
User-friendly dashboard and data visualizations enables the operator to easily manage data aggregation from multiple sources including social, web, news, and remote sources with customizable interface, filters, graphics, and search features. Monitor news, events, and sentiment as it develops in real-time.
our professional services team are experts in innovative data technologies

Our professional services personnel have security clearances and offer decades of experience with programming and project management certifications in Python, Power BI, Lean Six Sigma, ECM, BPM, and partner technologies including cloud platforms such as AWS.